Tanned skin can be treated provided the tan is not active. Therefore, avoid direct sun exposure to the area being treated for at least 5 days prior to treatment.
The use of fake tan must be discontinued 2 weeks before the treatment. Please ensure all tan is scrubbed away prior to your treatment.
You must avoid bleaching, plucking or waxing the hair for 6 weeks prior to treatment and do not wax, epilate, pluck or remove hair by any other means than shaving during the course of treatment.
Do not use depilatory creams 1 week prior to treatment.
If you have a history of cold sores, Zovirax and a course of Lysine tablets may be used prior to treatment and continued one week after treatment (when treating the lip area).
If you have been on antibiotics we as that you leave 2 weeks between finishing the course and having an SHR treatment.
The area to be treated must be shaved on the day of treatment, however shaving directly before your treatment may make the skin more sensitive so please allow sufficient time in between.
A broad spectrum SPF30+ must be applied whenever exposed to the sun.